Digital Natives Not Digital Immigrants

February 1, 2013


Has your child ever shown you how to program the remote control or make a better Powerpoint presentation? The reason is often because they have grown up in this age of technology. Whether you like technology or not, it is hard to argue with the influence it has upon society. Our students today are known as “digital natives” meaning they have never known a world without it. For some of us that may be a little older, we often need them to hold our hand to use Facebook, Twitter, Edmodo, Instagram, Evernote, etc.

Community ISD has made great strides in a short time in the area of technology. Initiatives like the 1:1 iPad rollout at McClendon Elementary has students and staff excited and, better yet, engaged in learning. Ask about some of the great things our kids are doing in the area of technology. It is amazing! Even if you are a “digital immigrant” being new to the latest apps, have your “digital native” show you some of the neat things they are learning with technology in CISD!

Cole McClendon, Ed.D.